Collection: Everyday Sun
NorbEVERYDAY-SUN is an entry-level, full spectrum LED bulb for the home or office. It has good color-rendering, a spectrum that mimics sunlight (without the UV), and is priced for every budget.
People respond to light, and amazingly, the typical person spends 93% of their time indoors. The trouble is – typical lights do not provide the light nutrition we need, and we can become slow, sluggish, even depressed (a condition some refer to as biological darkness). During the wintertime, we receive even less natural light, hence the common term winter blues.
NorbEVERYDAY-SUN can help, and it can help maintain your circadian rhythms for healthy sleep/wake patterns.
NorbEVERYDAY-SUN SOFT has a warmer hue, meaning it has less blue and more red in the spectrum than NorbEVERYDAY-SUN.