What is NorbRELIEF LEAF?
NorbRELIEF LEAF is designed with a unique light spectrum that mimics forest-canopy filtered light. It has both soft-green wavelengths (calming) along with far red and infrared light-waves (known to be restorative). If you’ve ever sat and relaxed under a tree, you know how that made you feel; This is the indoor, year-round version of that. Originating in Japan and practiced for generations, the practice of “Forest-Bathing” is soothing and meditative, something we all could use.
Many people report relief from headaches, migraines, light sensitivity, and daily stress from Forest-Bathing. This explains why we, as humans, are drawn to nature; There is nothing like a walk in the woods or sitting under a tree to re-ground and liberate us from the stress of everyday life.
Our goal: Everyone deserves relief to help cope with the pressures of everyday life; For calming, de-stressing, relaxation, winding down, chilling out, and meditating. That is why we developed NorbRELIEF-LEAF.
NorbRELIEF LEAF provides illumination similar to Forest-Filtered light, so now you can Forest-Bathe in the comfort of your own home.
How does it compare to NorbRELIEF?
NorbRELIEF LEAF is a softer "green light" combined with far-red and infrared light -- same as forest filtered light. Full disclosure: NorbRELIEF-LEAF has not yet been researched like narrow-band green light, as used in NorbRELIEF, and many customers are happy with our original RELIEF product. However, for those that don't respond to NorbRELIEF (everyone is different, right?), or for people that prefer a softer green hue, or perhaps have less severe headaches, or simply seek to reduce stress by forest-bathing, then NorbRELIEF LEAF may be a great option. Please share your experiences with it! Recommended locations for NorbRELIEF LEAF are offices, desk lamps, bedrooms, and exercise rooms. It can be used in any area of the house or office where one typically experiences or seeks refuge from headaches or stress.